Ring Size Guide

This is a chart that will help you to determine the ring size that you need. You can either make use of a tape or a small piece of string to measure the area that will be occupied by the ring. When it becomes a complete circle, make a mark on such string. This will be helpful for you to compare with the chart that is mentioned below.

Ring Size Guide

Bracelet Size Guide

Some steps for you to choose your right size bracelets:


Bracelet Size Guide


  1. A bracelet is perfectly sized when you measure your wrist tightly and add 2 or 3 cm.
  2. If you are between sizes, ask yourself how you like to wear your bracelet. If you like to wear it tightly, choose the smaller size, and if you like to wear it loosely, then take the next size up.
  3. When you receive a new bracelet,you may feel it stiff. Please be aware that the bracelet will become more flexible as you wear it.
  1. Please remember, the more charms you add to your bracelets, the tighter they will become.

Necklace Size Guide

Necklace Size Guide

Necklace Size Guide2