How to Pick the Perfect Gemstone for Your Zodiac Sign - dissoojewelry

How to Pick the Perfect Gemstone for Your Zodiac Sign

Gemstones Have Been Used for Centuries for Their Beauty and Their Mystical Properties. Each Gemstone is Associated with Different Energies, and by Wearing the Right Gemstone, You Can Harness Those Energies to Help Manifest Your Desires.

The Four Elements and Their Associated Gemstones.
Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius
Fire Signs Are Passionate, Creative, and Full of Energy. the Perfect Gemstone for Fire Signs is the Diamond. Diamonds Are Known for Their Strength and Durability, Which Reflects the Qualities of Those Who Wear Them.

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
Earth Signs Are Practical, Down-to-earth, and Reliable. the Perfect Gemstone for Earth Signs is the Emerald. Emeralds Are Known for Their Beauty and Elegance, Which Reflects the Qualities of Those Who Wear Them.

Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius

Air Signs Are Intellectual, Curious, and Social Creatures. the Perfect Gemstone for Air Signs is the Agate. Agates Are Known for Their Ability to Calm and Focus the Mind, Which Reflects the Qualities of Those Who Wear Them.

Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

Water Signs Are Emotional, Compassionate, and Intuitive Creatures. the Perfect Gemstone for Water Signs is the Pearl . Pearls Are Known for Their Purity and Innocence , Which Reflects the Qualities of Those Who Wear Them .

The Ruling Planet and Its Associated Gemstone.

Aries: Mars and the Diamond

Aries is a Fire Sign, and Its Ruling Planet is Mars. the Planet Mars is Associated with Energy, Passion, and Assertiveness. the Diamond is Said to Be the Perfect Gemstone for Aries Because It Represents Strength and Power.

Taurus: Venus and the Emerald

Taurus is an Earth Sign, and Its Ruling Planet is Venus. Venus is Associated with Love, Beauty, and Fertility. the Emerald is Said to Be the Perfect Gemstone for Taurus Because It Represents Growth and Abundance.

Gemini: Mercury and the Agate

Gemini is an Air Sign, and Its Ruling Planet is Mercury. Mercury is Associated with Communication, Intelligence, and Wit. the Agate is Said to Be the Perfect Gemstone for Gemini Because It Represents Balance and Harmony.

Cancer: the Moon and the Pearl

Cancer is a Water Sign, Ruled by the Moon. the Moon is Associated with Emotions, Intuition, and Imagination. the Pearl is Said to Be the Perfect Gemstone for Cancer Because It Represents Wisdom and Purity.

Subsection 2..5 Leo:the Sunandthe Ruby

Leoisafiresignruledbythesun–thecenterofoursolarsystemand Earth’snearest Star Neighbor at Just 93 Million Miles Away! Associatedwith Warmthlightand Life-giving Energy – It’s No Wonder That This Regal Zodiacsigngetsitspowerfromthisballoffire We All Orbit Around! Sincethe Sun Rules over Leo – It Only Make Sense That Their Number One Stone Would Bethe Ruby–a Stone Knownforits Strength Durabilityand Abilityto Withstand Heat!

The Right Gemstone for Your Sign.

Aries: the Diamond
Aries is a Fire Sign, and As Such, is Associated with the Element of Fire. the Ruling Planet for Aries is Mars, and the Stone Associated with Mars is the Diamond. the Diamond is Said to Represent Courage, Strength, and Determination; All Qualities That Are Attributed to Aries.

Taurus: the Emerald
Taurus is an Earth Sign, and As Such It is Associated with the Element of Earth. the Ruling Planet for Taurus is Venus, and the Stone Associated with Venus is the Emerald. Emeralds Are Said to Represent Beauty, Love, and Fertility; All Qualities That Are Attributed to Taurus.

Gemini: the Agate
Gemini is an Air Sign, and As Such It is Associated with the Element of Air. the Ruling Planet for Gemini is Mercury, and the Stone Associated with Mercury is the Agate. Agates Are Said to Represent Communication, Intelligence, and Adaptability; All Qualities That Are Attributed to Gemini.

Cancer: the Pearl
Cancer is a Water Sign, and As Such It is Associated with the Element of Water. the Ruling Planet for Cancer is the Moon, and the Stone Associated with the Moon is the Pearl . Pearls Are Said to Represent Purity , Innocence , and Femininity ; All Qualities That Are Attributed to Cancer .

Subsection 3 .5 Leo : the Ruby .
Leo , Like Aries ,is a Fire Sign , So It Too Has an Association with Fire . However , Where Aries ' Ruling Planet Mars Represents Courage , Strength ,and Determination , Leo 's Ruling Planet Sun Stands for Vitality , Creativity ,and Generosity . As Befits a King or Queen of Their Zodiacal Domain then , Leo's Gemstone Should Be Something Quite Regal : Enter Stage Left -the Ruby ! Rubies Have Been Prized Throughout History As Some Ofthe Most Valuable Gemstones Around ; in Fact They Can Command Prices Even Higher Than Diamonds . They Possess an Inner Glow Known As Chatoyancy Which Seems Almost Magical when Viewed from Certain Angles -and What Could Be More Befitting a Monarch Than Something Possessing a Touch of Magic ?


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