How to Wear Charms Like French Women - An Expression of Individuality

How to Wear Charms Like French Women - An Expression of Individuality

French women are known for their effortless style, and this includes the way they wear trinkets. Charms can add a touch of vintage glamorous to any look, and let's see how French women can easily do it for a unique look of their own.

French style elegance and sophistication are the fashion world's timeless classics, so how do you express yourself through dress?

Look at how French women treat their jewelry!

How to wear jewelry like a French woman

Less color, more eye-catching style jewelry

French women have mastered the art of gatekeeping when it comes to jewelry accessories, often opting for black, gray, and white pieces.

The choice of jewelry accessories in a French style is important because the first thing people notice is the jewelry you wear, not the clothes.

So you'll also need to choose from different stones or styles of accessories to make your mark depending on the season.

Always emphasize a simple and generous piece of jewelry as a highlight when you're dressing up. Choose a turquoise ring, for example, or a ruby necklace as the backbone, if it feels monotonous, accompanied by a bracelet or earpiece. 

Like French blogger Camille Charriere, she has continued to be as minimalist in her choice of jewelry accessories as in her clothes. Most often, it's a simple, contemporary and stylish piece.

Camille Charriere

In the Look, for example, striped shirts and jeans are very basic. But the Camille, with its minimalist Hoop earrings and minimalist rings, is instantly refined, with two gold and silver-hued rings folded to make it smart and youthful, but restrained from feeling too much pressure.

Also, French women are really good at explaining what to call Less is More. Aside from the Hoop earrings, she's also a fan of the chic gold chains that have been so popular in recent years that, with just one piece, the average outfit can be instantly chic. 

In summary, the secret to French women's jewelry: Get a few minimalist pieces because they can do anything.

Find your own style and follow the classics

Jewelry is meant to show your personal taste and quality of life, and once a woman has crossed the 30-year-old threshold she should drop bombast and streamline her life in favor of timeless classics that she likes.

Jeanne Damas

Jeanne Damas, for example, may be one of the hottest French fashion bloggers of the moment, with a French holiday style that is spontaneous, romantic and effortlessly sexual.

Vintage splashes are one of her favorite elements, and when selecting jewelry she dislikes being too existential and prefers small, subtle, yet slightly sexy pieces.

Rings as small as these are easily overlooked at first glance, but when she picks up a book,  Its delicate stack of rings could impress people with her delicacy and the care she put into details.

Perhaps the unseemly beauty of this unexpected encounter, which needs to be slowly discovered, is the essence of French romance.

Different occasions, different people, different tastes

When it comes to office or business situations, fine, low key jewelry is the choice.

Chrisine Lagarde

A chic clavicle chain with a distinctive ring, or a well-designed pair of earrings and a bright jewel ring can make you look sharp, fresh, and competent.

When it comes to a reunion with close friends, afternoon tea, or a passionate party, the extravagant jewelry that makes a statement can leave her feeling intoxicated.

Especially in a social setting, it is one of the easiest ways to open a dialogue.

Wear jewelry like a French woman

Looking for jewelry like a Discovery

Every French woman's jewelry box must contain antique pieces, some from collections shared with her mother or grandmother, and some harvested in antique shops, antique shops or flea markets.

Each of these unexpected gems is a testament to their individuality and unique aesthetic, a thrilling and surprising find that cannot be measured in terms of value.

Breaking stereotypes

When collecting, the most important thing is not the complete collection, but the collection of different types and styles of jewelry.

Like the jewelry accessories Camille Yolaine likes to wear, it feels very 1980s and 1990s Hong Kong.

Camille Yolaine

Like the single pearl earrings she uses more often, there are large gold ones that feel alive and well, with a heavy dose of vintage chic.

In this image, she is a retro girl from the 1900s, dressed in a black knit with a Peter Pan collar and a delicate pair of pearl earrings.

And then there's the more common Sukin earrings in Vintage jewelry, one of her favorites, which she teamed with a red sweater, as if fleeting back to the good old days.

This article was first published in

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